Trauma Therapy | Open2TalkCounselling
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What is there to know about the Stages, Benefits and Limitations of Trauma Counselling?

Trauma Therapy by Jacqueline Gordon


Traumatic events can leave lasting effects on people, often leading to long-term psychological problems. In some cases, these issues can be so severe that professional help is needed. If you are looking for information on trauma counselling, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will discuss what trauma counselling is. Trauma counselling can help people who have faced a traumatic event. We will provide tips on how you can find a good therapist who can help victims of traumatic experiences.

What Is Trauma Counselling?


Trauma counselling is a type of therapy that focuses specifically on helping people recover from traumatic events. Trauma counselling is provided by psychologists, psychiatrists, and counsellors who have been trained in how to help people deal with trauma. Some common therapies used are cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or EMDR. A good therapist will help you to understand how the trauma has affected your life and work with you to develop coping strategies for the future. They will also be able to guide you through any difficult feelings that may come up as a result of having experienced such an event so that these do not become overwhelming or dangerous for yourself or others around you.orporation | All Rights Reserved


A Word From Open 2 Talk Counselling

Your mental health — Your psychological, emotional, and social well-being — has an impact on every aspect of your life. Positive mental health essentially allows you to effectively deal with life’s everyday challenges.

At Open 2 Talk Counselling, we have a therapist who provides affordable online therapy and In-Person Therapy to assist you with issues such as depression, anxiety, stress, workplace Issues, addiction, relationship, OCD, LGBTQ, and PTSD. You can book a free therapy or download our free Android or iOS app.


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Trauma Therapy

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Advantages Of Trauma Counselling

There are many advantages to trauma counselling. Some of these benefits include the following:

It can help victims understand and process what happened to them.

It can provide a safe space for victims to share their experiences.

Also, it can help victims develop better coping skills.

It can improve relationships with friends and family members.

It can reduce symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).


What To Expect in A Trauma Counselling Session?


If you’re considering seeking out trauma counselling, it’s important to understand what to expect from these sessions. Here are some things you can expect:

You will be talking about the traumatic event that occurred.

This is the main focus of trauma counselling and it’s important that both the counsellor and client are aware of this upfront. The goal is to help clients process their experiences so they can move forward with their lives.

Counsellors are not psychiatrists.

As mentioned earlier, counsellors are not psychiatrists, and they cannot prescribe medications. They work with people who have experienced a traumatic event and want help coping with it. They talk about the experience during regular meetings each week until they feel ready to move forward.

Sessions are short-term.

Trauma counselling sessions usually last around 60 minutes to an hour. This is because the goal is to help clients process what happened and start moving on from the experience. Typically, this takes a few months of meeting once a week.

Sessions can be done in person, over the telephone or on-line.

Sessions can be done in person, over the telephone or on-line, depending on what the client prefers.

Locations may vary.

The location of these sessions can vary, but they usually take place at a clinic or therapist’s office near where the client lives. This way, it is easier for them to get there and back home again afterward.

Clients can expect long-term therapy.

Counsellors can provide long-term therapy services. The goal of these sessions is to help clients process their experiences so they can move forward with their lives.

Counsellors are trained to deal with trauma.

A counsellor is trained to help clients cope with their traumatic experiences; they can offer long-term therapy services. The goal of these sessions is to help clients process what happened and start moving on from the experience. Also, they work with people who have had traumatic experiences and want help coping. Drawbacks Of Trauma Counselling

There are very few drawbacks to trauma counselling, but one of them may be that it is expensive. However, many insurance companies do cover therapy sessions, so it is worth checking with your provider.

Another potential drawback is that the process can be slow and frustrating. It can take a long time for people to move through the different stages of trauma counselling. However, with patience and hard work, most people can make significant progress.

If you are struggling with a traumatic experience, it is important to seek out professional help as soon as possible. Trauma counselling can provide you with the support you need to cope and move on from the event.

Who Is a Trauma Counsellor?


A trauma counsellor is a professional who helps people who have experienced a traumatic event. They provide support and guidance to help the person process the experience and move on from it.

Trauma counsellors have training in psychology and counselling, and they specialise in helping people deal with traumatic experiences. They can provide valuable insight and support to those who are struggling with a traumatic event.

If you are experiencing difficulties following a traumatic event, it is important to seek out professional help. A trauma counsellor can provide you with the support you need to cope and move on from the experience.


Self-Care Tips After Trauma Counselling

Following trauma counselling, it is important for individuals to practice self-care. Some tips to follow include:

Allow yourself time to heal.

Do not push yourself too hard.

Take care of your physical and emotional health.

Talk about how you’re feeling with friends and family members.

Seek additional support if needed, such as joining a trauma group.


How To Help Someone Who Is Suffering from Trauma?


If you know someone who is suffering from a traumatic experience, there are ways that you can help. Here are a few tips:

Listen to them and let them talk about what happened: This is a very important step in helping someone who is suffering from trauma. Just listening and allowing them to talk without judgment can be very helpful.

Do not push them to talk about it if they are not ready: Some people may not be ready to talk about what happened right away. It is important to respect their wishes and give them time to heal in their own way and at their own pace.

Provide support: Friends and family members can provide valuable support for those who are struggling with a traumatic experience. Let them know that you are there for them and offer help when needed.

Encourage professional help: If the person seems like they could benefit from professional help, encourage them to seek out a trauma counsellor or therapist. Professional help can provide valuable support to those who are suffering from trauma.

Trauma counselling can be an important part of the recovery process for those who have experienced a traumatic event. If you are struggling following a traumatic event, it is important to seek out professional help right away. A trauma counsellor can provide you with the support you need to heal and move on from the experience.



Trauma counselling can be a very effective way to help individuals of traumatic experiences. By providing a safe and supportive environment, counsellors can help individuals process and cope with their trauma. If you or someone you know is struggling after a traumatic event, please seek out professional help. Trauma counselling can make a world of difference for those affected by trauma.

To book a session with a qualified Trauma Informed Counsellor click here 

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